
Thursday, October 25, 2012

3. Create Your Own Blog & 4. Follow Someone's Blog

3. Item 3 is pretty self-explanatory.  I created this blog that you're currently reading.  For some reason, it seems very meta to me.

Also, I've also included a page of all 23 Things. Click the "The List" tab at the top to find it. I'm going to change each item into a link to their blog posts as I finish so that if I end up doing them out of order or you just want to find them quickly, they'll be there for your reading enjoyment!

4. If you haven't already noticed, there's a little section to the right titled "Fellow 23 Things Projects".  These are my colleagues' blogs for the 23 Things Project we're doing at the Library.  I'll add more to this list as I find them.  I may also start listing my favorite wedding sites and blogs.  Be on the lookout!

Since, hopefully, someone will eventually read this blog, I'm going to ask a question.  Do you think that I should include an "about me" section on the blog?  I'm writing the blog through the account that I also write the Book Club blog, so if you look for my profile, it'll be the Library and not me personally.  Let me know if you think it would be helpful, harmful, mostly blah to have a section about me in the comments section below.  Thanks!

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